MOMOYA TV-Ads120-1970-Authentic

Time: 30 sec.

Product Name: KIMCHI-NO-MOTO

Description of Product: KIMCHI-NO-MOTO is a sauce for Kimchi, also spelled Gimchi or Kimchee. It is a traditional Korean fermented dish made of hakusai cabbage and other select vegetables with varied seasonings, and it is the most common Korean side dish served with rice.

Year: 1977

Advertiser: Momoya Co., Ltd.

Advertising Agency: YOMIKO Advertising Inc.

Production Company: Cinq Co., Ltd.

This TV advertisement introduces 2 different recipes for KIMCHI, also spelled gimchi or kimchee, by live actions. Without the composite of an animated housewife character in the closing scene, it would look like a TV cooking show. The former half offers an easy version of recipe; spooning a sauce over salted hakusai cabbage. Then, the latter half explains how to make an authentic KIMCHI. A still image of ingredients, such as apples, garlic chives and hakusai cabbages being inserted, all these vegetables are put into a container and mixed with sauce in the following shots. Then a wooden lid and a weight stone are placed on them. Before the closing sequence, the floating bubbles on the container are shown so that audience can see fermentation, a crucial process in making KIMCHI.



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